Sunday, 8 December 2013

Lordy, it's been a long time.

Not as long as it looks - there were 5 posts since the last one, but one is pending a re-write and the other 4 were no longer relevant.  It really has been a rollercoaster of a year; in some ways, everything's just the same: same challenges, same body, same brain.  In other ways - ideas about life, things I've learned or realised, things I'm still processing - there's a lot gone (and still going) on.

WordPress wouldn't let me use Garland - don't know why, it's still running for existing sites - and I'm rather disgruntled about it, as there are no decent free 3-column themes available any more.  So I'll have to pootle through over the next few days and tweak, not that much seems tweakable any more, unless you pay $$$.  I'd install the software to my website, apart from not wanting that kind of learning curve this close to a major holiday.

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