Sunday, 9 March 2014


There's a blog post brewing, about space - physical, mental and emotional - but it's not quite there yet.  I'm at that stage where I know what I mean, but can't nail it down enough to give anyone else a clue!  Tomorrow I've got some serious e-mailing to do, and a work visit in the morning, but the blog will get done at some point.  House hunting continues, although having to deal with sociopathic types has already started to make me ill.  Don't know what to do about that, short of telling them all to bog off and postponing things till later in the year.  Neither Paul nor I feel that's an option though; it takes a good couple of months to buy a house (always assuming no chain issues) and you've got to find it first.  Timing is everything, as we've signed the lease on our current place for another 6 months and are hence responsible for the rent on it.  It'd be nice to have at least a month's overlap to get the new place sorted before moving in, and this one cleaned before handing back, but too much of an overlap could be expensive.

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